Chocolate Mochi Brownie Squares

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mochi Brownies
Chocolate Mochi Brownie Squares

Recently, I transferred to a new position at work. Still working for the same library system, but a new position at our headquarters. I'm tardy in posting photos of my going away party at my former library - they hosted a lovely dessert was so sweet. Those are coming soon!

At my new workplace, one of my co-workers is on a gluten-free diet (darn you Celiac). I keep bringing in desserts she can't eat so I wanted to make something gluten-free. I love, love, love all things mochi (my family's history with mochi is well documented in my New Year's Mochi Making posts) so this recipe on my friend's blog JustJenn Recipes was a perfect fit.

Mochi Brownies
Since these brownies are made with rice flour (I only use Koda Farms Mochiko rice flour), they have a distinctive "mochi" chew. They aren't too sweet and are a nice morning or afternoon treat.

I cut all my work treats "petite" size...I usually cut a 8 x8 pan into 16 or 25 pieces.

Mochi Brownies
This is a great gluten-free recipe...and enjoyed by all! It's super easy to electric mixer needed. I hope you make a pan full of yum soon!

P.S. Thanks for all the comments about my last post mourning the loss of Picnik. Picnik certainly had many fans!!! I used PicMonkey to add the text to the first photo. It is easy to use and the fonts are stylin' - I jumped for joy seeing Lobster Two! They say collages are coming soon! Some Picnik folks went to PicMonkey and you can see it. It is web based, but you need to pull your photos in from your computer, and can edit one photo at a time.  I hope they are able to add direct integration with Flickr at some point and make the whole process online, but it a great start!

Find the recipe on my friend's justJENN Recipes blog for Chocolate Mochi Brownies

My changes and notes:
- 1 cup mochiko (Koda Farms brand) was 4 7/8 ounces by weight
- I used 1/2 cup Nestle semi-sweet morsels for the melting
- I mixed 1/4 cup of mini chocolate chips into the batter then put the pan into the oven. After 15 minutes of baking, I sprinkled the remaining 1/4 cup of mini chocolate chips on top. I think this helped prevent the chips from falling to the bottom of the pan.
- I used an 8 x 8 pan and baked it for 52 minutes.
Pin It!


Dessert By Candy said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for posting about this! I'm always looking for GF baking recipes too so my GF friends don't feel excluded. Your cherry mochi cakes were so well received I have to try this brownie too!

Dharma said... [Reply to comment]

Enhorabuena por el nuevo puesto de trabajo. Espero y deseo que se encuentre feliz en el nuevo puesto. La receta es fabulosa. Enhorabuena

Homemade Dog Food Recipes said... [Reply to comment]

One word for you ..


Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I'm going to have to make these. Thanks, Mary!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

They look great and I have a box or two of mochi in my pantry that I've never used.

Gloria Baker said... [Reply to comment]

these look delicious!!

Karyn said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa! This looks awesome!! I've got to try this! Going on my pin board! Thanks!

Azusa said... [Reply to comment]

I posted a comment a couple of days ago, but not sure if you got it. In case you didn't, I just wanted to say again——thank you so much for the brownies! I knew exactly what they were when Akira came home with them and I squealed like a small child. Thank you, Mary, they were awesome! Gonna post about this on HB!

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Ohh, I love a good gluten free recipe! Thanks for sharing this! Another "must-make recipe" from you.

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