National Library Week Giveaway Winners!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Thanks for entering my giveaways for National Library Week! I loved hearing how much you use your library! Whoo hoo!

I used and picked the winners.

Flour Bakery Cookbook - #86 Karen

Biscuit Cutters - #20 Barbara (she's a librarian too! how cool!)

Baked Explorations Cookbook - #113 Lisa

I'll be contacting you to arrange shipping of your prize! Happy Baking everyone! - mary
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Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! I won! I'm so excited! Thank you!

Alex said... [Reply to comment]

As a librarian and baking enthusiast, I read your blog with lots of enjoyment. At the community college library where I work, we have several bakers. For National Library Week, we all baked and had an open house one day with cookies, tea, and lemonade. It was a big hit with faculty and students alike. Thanks for writing this awesome blog. I'm going to try your mochi brownies for the next work party as we have a couple people who can't have anything with gluten. These brownies look delicious.

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