4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jello

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jello

One of the top posts on the Food Librarian is Broken Glass Jello. I've made Valentine's Day, Laker's, and Christmas Jell-O in the past. Today, it's something perfect for the 4th of July. Can you believe it's almost July?!??!

My twitter feed is blowing up with hot tweets - "It's so hot!" "I'm melting" and "I can't turn on my oven." This is the perfect recipe for you! No oven...just some time chilling in the refrig!
4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
Only a few ingredients are needed to make this crowd pleasing treat. Kids LOVE it. If you want to make a pie, check out JustJenn's pie!

4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
This recipe is sooooooo easy...but be sure to plan for it. You'll need time to chill the colored Jello and then the whole thing - it's a two-day project. First, make blue and red Jello blocks. Second, make a milk mixture with unflavored gelatin and sweetened condensed milk, and combine with the blocks.

4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
The milk mixture combines unflavored gelatin and sweetened condensed milk (don't get evaporated milk).

4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
Happy Summer to you and yours!


6 ounces (one big 6-oz box or two small 3-oz boxes) of "Red" Jell-O such as strawberry, cherry, raspberry, strawberry banana

6 ounces (one big 6-oz box or two small 3-oz boxes) of "Blue" Jell-O

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk (don't get evaporated milk)

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin (that Knox stuff) (each envelope is approximately 1/4 ounce)

4 cups boiling water (for colored blocks)

1/2 cup cold water (for milk mixture)
2 cups boiling water (for milk mixture)

Step One: Making the Blocks

In separate bowls, dissolve the Red and Blue Jell-O in boiling water by adding 1 cup of boiling water to 3 ounces of Jell-O. Therefore, you'll need a total of 2 cups of boiling water for the 6 ounces of Jell-O (one big box or two small boxes). Mix to dissolve and pour into a container and chill until firm (overnight is probably best, but I have chilled it 3-4 hours until firm).

Note: Only add 1 cup of water per 3 ounces of Jell-O. Ignore the instructions on the box of Jello (they say to use 2 cups of water per 3 ounces). You need to use less water so the Jell-O is firm and can be cut into blocks.

Step Two: Cutting Blocks and Making the Milk Mixture

Prep a 9 x 13 pan by wiping a very, very thin layer of flavorless oil (such as canola) in the pan with a paper towel. You'll wipe off 99.9% of the oil...leaving just a very, very thin film.

Cut chilled colored Jell-O into small blocks.

Carefully mix the blocks in a 9 x 13 pan.

In a separate bowl, add 1/2 cup cold water. Sprinkle 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin on top of the cold water. Wait a few minutes for the gelatin to bloom (soak up some of the water), then add 1 1/2 cup boiling water and mix to dissolve. Add the can of condensed milk. Stir and cool. Pour cooled milk mixture over Jell-O. If you wish, skim off any bubbles from the surface of the Jell-O. Chill overnight until set.

4th of July Patriotic Broken Glass Jell-O
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Plain Chicken said... [Reply to comment]

I love to make these broken glass jello dishes. Great idea for the 4th!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

this looks so fantastic - my girls will love it!
Mary x

Sue/the view from great island said... [Reply to comment]

I just love this, it looks like such fun to make---it reminds me of my grandmother's linoleum counter tops --- in a good way ;)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE jello and this is such a fun and super cute way to ring in the 4th! I looooove this idea! :)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

So did you just use boiling water no cold water ??

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Yamilex Fajardo Yes, I only use boiling water, no cold water. Because you are using less water than the package instructions (so it will be a firmer jello), I only use boiling water to make sure everything gets dissolved. Happy 4th of July!

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