Strawberry Shortcake Cookies - Martha Stewart

Monday, July 2, 2012

Strawberry Shortcake Cookies
Strawberry Shortcake Cookies

It's now the season where you can get a flat of strawberries at the farmer's market for $8-10. Awesome. I usually pick up a three pack every week. Love strawberries in yogurt, just plain and in dessert. These are Strawberry Shortcake Cookies from Martha Stewart.

Strawberry Shortcake Cookies
These cookies are supposed to be like a traveling strawberry shortcake. Um, I'd rather have a real strawberry shortcake. They were okay, but they didn't rock my world.

If you want to bake with strawberries, I would go for Joy the Baker's Strawberry Upside Down cake or Martha Stewart's Strawberry Cake in a pie pan.

Strawberry Shortcake Cookies

From Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart Living, June 2009

12 ounces strawberries, hulled and cut into 1/4-inch dice (2 cups)
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon granulated sugar, divided
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
3 ounces (6 tablespoons, 3/4 of a stick) cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
2/3 cup heavy cream
Sanding sugar, for sprinkling

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. 
Combine the cut strawberries, lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar. 
Whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and remaining 7 tablespoons granulated sugar in a large bowl. 
Cut in the butter with a pastry cutter, or rub in with your fingers, until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. 
Stir in cream until dough starts to come together, then stir in strawberry mixture.
Drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment (I used a small cookie scoop).
Sprinkle with sanding sugar, and bake until golden brown, about 20-25 minutes.
Transfer to a wire rack, and let cool.
These cookies don't keep. Cookies are best served immediately, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day.
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Gastronomer said... [Reply to comment]

These need to be in my life STAT.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow..these look amazing. I've never seen cookies like these.

The Daily Smash said... [Reply to comment]

I have this recipe in my list of things to make but I see lots of mixed reviews on them some love them some dont think they are that great so it always stops me from trying them out.. Yours do look good maybe I will try when I have some extra berries....

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Ah bummer that they were only ok. They sound awesome in theory, but I am also picky about shortcake since I'm not a fan of whipped cream.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

oh they look wonderful!
Mary x

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