Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins
Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins

It's fall. What? It was close to 90 degrees in the Southland today.

But I am sad that it's getting dark and we can't "play in the streets" like kids anymore. With my new work schedule, I'm running at dusk and end the jog in the dark. I bought these reflective ankle bands to illuminate myself...I'm thinking of making a set of snap-on ones for the dog too. Would that just be too embarrassing for her?! Anyway, please don't hit me if you are driving around Los Angeles. :)

Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins
When I think fall, I think oranges. Oranges and chocolate. And that brings me to these muffins.

The base recipe is from the Art & Soul of Baking cookbook by the fine folks at Sur la Table. Originally, you use lemon zest (with no chocolate), but I wanted to add chips and think orange goes really well with chocolate. I made the nectarine upside-down muffins using the same base recipe.

Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins
This is really easy to pull together because you melt the butter with the orange zest (the kitchen smells GREAT!). You can throw these together before a morning meeting or before a leisurely Sunday brunch.

Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins
I toss a few reserved mini chocolate chips on top of the muffin before baking, and tossed a little sanding sugar on top. I think everything is better with sanding sugar!

Adapted from the Easy Morning Muffins in the Art & Soul of Baking, page 148 (find it in your library via WorldCat)

2 cups (10 ounces) all-purpose flour
2/3 cup (4 3/4 ounces) sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
3/4 stick (3 ounces) butter
Zest of one orange
2/3 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs, room temp
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup mini chocolate chips (pull out a few tablespoons to sprinkle on top)
Sanding sugar

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Butter a 12-cup muffin tin or line with paper cupcake liners.
3. Place the orange zest in a saucepan with the stick of butter. Melt the butter. (Melting the butter with the orange zest will bring out the orange flavor. Pour butter and orange into small bowl.
4. Add buttermilk and let sit for a few minutes to cool off.
5. Whisk in the eggs and vanilla.
6. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl and whisk together (flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda,  salt, most of the chocolate chips).
7. Make a well in the dry ingredients. Pour the butter/egg mixture into the dry ingredients and quickly fold together. Don't overmix. Don't worry if you have a few small lumps.
8. Using an ice cream scoop, dish batter into muffin tins. Sprinkle with a few chocolate chips and sanding sugar.
9. Bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown.
10. Let cool for 5-10 minutes and then carefully turn over the muffin tin onto a sheet tray.

Orange Chocolate Chip Muffins
Be sure to check out this book - it's filled with some great recipes and very good instructions.

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Kat said... [Reply to comment]

Those muffins look delicious! I made Banana chocolate chip muffins myself yesterday. And thank you, thank you, thank you for suggesting 'The Art and Soul of Baking.' I checked it out of the library about a month ago. It's fantastic and I know I'm going to end up buying a copy.

Suzanne said... [Reply to comment]

I have a reflective collar for the dog when we jog in the morning. I have a best but I could never get it to fit him right. He loves to run so much he does not care what he wears!

Darlene said... [Reply to comment]

The high crowns on your muffins are wonderful! Something about sanding sugar is magical, isn't it? Like pixie dust or something. I'm glad to see you are back into the swing of baking.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

I think I'm going to make these today as an after school snack. I love orange and chocolate together.

Panya said... [Reply to comment]

You could get all sorts of reflective and/or light-up items for the pup -- leash, harness, collar, clothing, flashing lights, etc.

Carolyn said... [Reply to comment]

I just made these as mini muffins and they were delicious. Going to add a bit of orange juice next time to increase the orangeyness!

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