Cara Cara Orange & Ginger Scones - Mark Bittman Recipe

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cara Cara & Ginger Scone - Mark Bittman recipe
Cara Cara Orange & Ginger Scone

The Cara Cara Oranges from the last post? I used one to make these scones - adapted from the Mark Bittman's Scone recipe.

Cara Cara & Ginger Scone - Mark Bittman recipe
Mark Bittman's basic scone recipe allows for a lot of add-ins and combinations. I had some delicious Cara Cara Oranges, and I think crystallized ginger should be included in Every Single Baked Good on the planet.

Cara Cara & Ginger Scone - Mark Bittman recipe
These scones aren't very sweet and more like biscuits. In fact, everyone thought they were biscuits when I brought them into the library. I brought strawberry jam - they are good with or without. Mark Bittman calls these Classic Scones and suggests cream and/or jam. These are not Starbuck's-like scones.

Cara Cara & Ginger Scone - Mark Bittman recipe
My cousin got a bonsai tree for the holiday. It came in the mail and it was from Costco! Who knew Costco sold hot dogs, pizza, crazy amounts of toilet paper...and ships bonsai trees.

Cara Cara & Ginger Scone - Mark Bittman recipe
When I want items to get golden brown, here is what I usually do: I bake the cookie or scone at the recommended temperature. I set the time for one or two minutes less than the recommended time. Then, I switch the oven from regular heat to convection oven for the last one to two minutes. Convection oven is awesome at blowing air in the oven and browning the scone. I haven't gotten a handle on adjusting recipes to convection only baking...if I do it 100% convection, sometimes they bake to quickly even if I lower the temp by 25 degrees.

The meeting will have six people in it. Think I made a little too much?
I brought the scones to a meeting last week. Along with some New York Times Chocolate Chip cookies (2 dozen...minus one I HAD to eat for quality control purposes). There were six people at the meeting. We ate most of it. :)

Cara Cara Orange & Ginger Scones
Adapted from: Scones, How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman (page 845-846)

2 cups all-purpose or cake flour, more as needed
1 scant teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons (1 T + 1 t) baking powder
2 tablespoons sugar
5 tablespoons cold butter, cut into pieces
2 eggs
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup crystallized ginger, cut into small pieces
Zest of one orange
Egg wash or cream: 1 egg or heavy cream

1. Heat the oven to 450 degrees. Mix the flour, salt, baking powder and sugar together in a bowl. Add the butter and use a pastry cutter or your fingertips to cut butter into flour until it has a sandy or cornmeal texture. You can also pulse in a food processor. Then add the ginger and zest to the dry mixture.
2. Beat 2 eggs together with the cream.
3. Quickly mix the liquid and dry mixture. Don't overmix. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface and knead just a couple times to pull the dough together.
4. Press dough about 3/4 inch thick and then cut out circles or cut into squares. I made about 18 smaller circles.
5. Brush the top of each scone with cream or an egg wash and sprinkle with sugar (I used sanding sugar but you can also use granulated sugar).
6.  Bake for 9 to 11 minutes, or until the scones are golden brown.
7. Serve with jam, clotted cream, or other delights.

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sunday said... [Reply to comment]

hhhmmm... smells good!:D

Luv'n Spoonfuls said... [Reply to comment]

These look REALLY good, and I love anything citrus in baked goods. The ginger just takes it over the moon! I've got some ginger pieces that I ordered from the spice house...can't wait to give them a try here!

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