English Peas and Rice

Saturday, May 18, 2013

English Peas and Rice
English Peas and Rice

This blog started as a way for me to document my attempts at baking. Back in 2007 (can't believe the blog is that old), I was trying to go from cake-box baking to baking from scratch. Only my closest friends read this blog. Then, somehow, a few more people started reading it. I've been lucky to meet  people via the blog that I now consider some of my best friends. It's been an interesting journey. Sometimes, I go back and read  earlier posts...especially the ones where I'm traveling, eating out and visiting friends. This blog truly is an open online diary so I won't forget special people, places and times.

This post is simply about documenting the taste of English peas in summer. It's not about the recipe (toss in peas in rice), but about the fun of grabbing all the little peas...and eating half of them raw because they are fresh and delicious.

English Peas and Rice
Ahhh. So pretty. I want to remember this.

English Peas and Rice
If everyone had fresh peas, there might be peas on earth.

English Peas and Rice
I bought these at the farmers market. They also have a big container of shelled peas. That seems like it takes away a bit of the fun so I always buy them whole.

Peas and Rice
Premium brown rice (purchased at the Japanese grocery store - Nijiya and Mitsuwa have great selections of premium California rice) and the Zojirushi rice cooker (pricey but it's just lovely to have perfectly cooked rice available for hours).

English Peas and Rice
I just threw a handful of peas into the rice cooker and pressed start. They come out mushy (very English :)

Along with stone fruits, English peas are edible summer. Hope your summer is off to a great start! - mary
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Blond Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Simple is sometimes best!

Efreet in the Oven said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! I have a Zojirushi too, but I've alwas used it just for sushi rice. How do you set it to cook rice & peas? I kind of want to scarf a bowl right now... O_°

sharonjo said... [Reply to comment]

"If everyone had fresh peas, there might be peas on earth."

Thanks for giving me a laugh every once in a while when I read your blog, which is a good thing.

I laughed out loud (for about 5 minutes) when I read this a while back:

"These photos write their own jokes." I'm sure you remember the hilarious accompanying pictures.

Keep 'em coming!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Efreet in the Oven Hi, I just cooked it regular (brown rice because that's what I cooked). - mary

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