Chocolate Cupcakes for my 8th Work Anniversary!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chocolate Cupcakes with Frosting
Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting

8 years ago, I started my second career as a public librarian (before I worked in non-profit accounting). It's my 8 year work anniversary today. Can't believe how fast that time has gone.

I have a meeting today so I'm bringing in some Cinnamon Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting. Both super duper easy to make, and always enjoyed by my library friends.

It's also my friend's birthday, so Happy Birthday Susan!

And it's Talk like a Pirate Day. Ahoy mates! Make some cupcakes and learn Pirate via Mango Languages' free course.

Chocolate Cupcakes with Frosting
Cinnamon Chocolate Cupcakes

Chocolate Frosting (Adapted from Hershey's)
1 stick butter, softened
3 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup natural cocoa (40 grams)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup milk (I used 1%)

Beat the butter until soft and fluffy.
Sift together the cocoa and powdered sugar.
Mix the milk and vanilla in a measuring cup.
Slowly add the dry ingredients and alternate with the milk mixture.
When combined, beat at high speed for 30 seconds until desired consistency. Also, if it is too thin, add more powdered sugar, and if too thick, add a little more milk.

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Plain Chicken said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Anniversary! I wish I worked with you so I could have a cupcake. They look delicious!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Woot, congrats on 8 years - that's fantastic! These cupcakes are the perfect way to celebrate for sure :)

Diane Zwang said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Anniversary. I think being a food librarian sounds like the best job:)

Davery said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats - 8 years has flown by - when do I get my second career? I've been at it for almost 20 years now!

Mr. P said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats Mary!

Thought of you today - made me second wedding anniversary bundt. Can't even use the tin without thinking of your big bundt fetish!!

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