National Bundt Day 2013 Round-Up: I Like Big Bundts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Like Big Bundts 2013 - Round-Up

November 15, 2013 was National Bundt Day! I counted down in November until the big day (see them here), and encouraged you to make a bundt to celebrate this awesome food holiday! I'm so excited that enthusiasm for the Bundt runs high!

Thanks for celebrating with me and I hope you continue to make bundts all year long. If you requested them, I'll be sending food gift tags to you as soon as possible (I got a little delayed on things - my apologies)

To celebrate National Bundt Day, I ran a little giveaway for the cool new Jubilee Bundt Pan to one lucky Bundt maker. And the winner is: Heather from South Carolina who made my favorite Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt! Congrats Heather!

I want to thank Barbara from Canada and Katrina (Baking and Boys!) from Utah who have baked all four years of I Like Big Bundts! National Bundt Day is also Katrina's birthday! And there are many who baked last year for the holiday to celebrate even though I didn't do the round-up...true Bundt love.

A listing of Bundts I made this year can be found here and a summary of all the Bundt years are under my I Like Big Bundts page!

Much Bundt love and Happy Holidays, 
Mary the Food Librarian

(Disclosures: This whole craziness is not sponsored. I'm paying for the gift tags, postage, and the giveaway Bundt. However, I should mention that I am a member of the Amazon Affiliate program and get a few cents if you buy anything from my Amazon links. Thanks if you do!)

#1: 3-Time I Like Big Bundt baker, Yummy Chunklet (Chicago) of Yummy Chunklet made Applesauce Bundt Cake

#2, 3: I Wilkerson (Wisconsin) of Art of Natural Living made Mini Chocolate Almond Bundts and Mini Pumpkin Bundt Cakes
Twitter: @iwilkerson

#4: My blog pal, Jen (Cincinnati) of Beantown Baker made Cinnamon Roll Bundt
Twitter: @beantownbaker - Instagram: beantownbaker

#5: Katie (Apple & Spice) (UK) of Apple & Spice made GF Banana & Coffee Bundt Cake. Banoffee but not as you know it!

#6: Margaret (Louisiana) of TEa and SCones made Chai Butternut Bundt
Twitter: @Scones4Me

#7: Sarah (Boston, MA) of BettyCupcakes made Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake
Twitter: @BettyCupcakes

#8, #9: 2-Time baker, Auntie Nettie (New York) of Auntie Nettie's Attic made Mail Room Matt's Carrot Cake Birthday Bundt and  Excel -- ent Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt to Blunt our Sour Pusses Stuck in Data Tables with a generous coating of SugarRush to Power Through The Night Shift Sweet Glaze
Twitter: @NettiesAttic Funny story...she made this for Matt in the mail room at work, but he took the week off! Don't worry, his co-workers ate his cake for him.

#10: Liliana Fuchs (Madrid, Spain) of Albahaca y Canela made Hazelnut Orange Bundt Cake
Twitter: @akane86 - Instagram: akane_rohirrim

#11: Beatriz (Spain) of Bea Recebas & Mas made Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake
Twitter: @BeaRecetasymas

#12: 3-time I Like Big Bundts baker extraordinaire, Di (Georgetown, TX) of To Di For Bakery made Pumpkin & Ginger Poundcake
Instagram: diskitchennotes

#13: Alice* (White Plains, NY) made Butterscotch Bundt Cake from this recipe. Alice, Maria and their colleagues celebrated Bundt Day in their library! Whoo hoo!

#14: My awesome BFF Dulcey * (Minneapolis, MN) made Orange marmalade bundt from this recipe
Twitter: @dulcey

#15: Ruhama (Burlington, WI) of rumahama made Toasted Fennel-Lemon
Instagram: librariane

#16: 2-time baker, Karen (Tennessee) of Our Crazy Blessed Life made Pumpkin Spice Bundt
Twitter: @rockstarwife - Instagram: crazyblessedlife

#17: Heather* (South Carolinaj) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#18: 3-time baker and longtime blog pal, Tracey (Rhode Island) of Tracey's Culinary Adventures made Chocolate Whiskey Bundt Cake
Twitter: @twilhelmsen - Instagram: traceysculinaryadventures

#19: 3-time baker and awesome blogger, Jessica (Texas) of My Baking Heart made Root Beer Bundt
Twitter: @bakingheartblog - Instagram: bakingheartblog

#20: Panya (Indiana) of Regardez ces trucs... made Ultimate Lemon Pound Cake Bundt
Twitter: @PanyaV

#21: Bini* (Houston, TX) made Carrot cake with Chocolate Ganache

#22: Shannon* (Boston, MA) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#23: Cat* (Metro Detroit, Michigan) made Lemon Buttermilk from this recipe

#24: 3-time ILBB baker, Ma Kettle* (Oregon) made Buttermilk Spice Bundt with a Salted Caramel Glaze from this recipe

#25: 2-time baker, Elisa* (Redlands, CA) made Buttercake Bakery Marble Bundt Cake from this recipe

#26: 2-time Bundt baker, Lisa (United Kingdom) of United Cakedom made Strawberry & Champagne
Twitter: @unitedcakedom

#27: 2-time baker of awesome bundts, Alison (Buffalo, New York) of lil chung's lil adventures made Marble Sour Cream Bundt
Instagram: lilchung24

#28: 3-time ILBB baker and forever a blogger & instagram pal, Jessica (Austin) of bake me away! made Pumpkin Mochi Bundt
Twitter: @bakemeaway - Instagram: bakemeaway

#29: 3-time Bundt baker, Sandy* (Downingtown, PA) made Double Glazed Ultimate Lemon Poundcake Bundt from this recipe
Instagram: SandraDee18

#30: Margaret* (Salt Lake City, UT) made German Apple Cake from this recipe

#31: 3-time bundt baker (whoo hoo!), Sarah (Dallas) of Like The Dickens made Chocolate Zucchini Bundt cake

#32: Andrea* (Orange County) made Almond Marble Bundt from this recipe

#33: Heddi (Switzerland - isn't this awesome?! Switzerland!) of Dairy-Free Switzerland made Vegan Chocolate Bundt with Speculoos Glaze Heddi made two other Bundts too! Awesome!
Twitter: @DairyFreeSwitz

#34: Liz N.* (Chicago) made Eggnog Bundt from Cook's Illustrated Holiday Baking 2013 special edition magazine
Twitter: @mrschef05 - Instagram: mrschef05

#35: Mara of Más dulce que salado made Neapolitan Bundt Cake

#36: LindaG* (Portland, OR) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#37: Lee* (Las Vegas) made Snickerdoodle Bundt from this recipe

#38: Sarangbaker* (Orange County, CA) made Tunnel of Fudge Bundt from Cook's Illustrated Entertaining (Holiday, 2010)

#39: Roxana* made Whipped Cream and Vanilla Bundt Cake from this recipe

#40: Veronica (Portland, OR) of Hungreem made Teff Gingerbread Bundt

#42:  Katrina (Utah) of Baking and Boys! made Grain Free Refined Sugar Free Chocolate Bundt Cake
Katrina has baked for all four I Like Big Bundts! And National Bundt Day is her birthday!! How perfect is that?! Love ya, Katrina!!!

#43:  3-Time baker and representing India, Divya (Chennai, India) of Easycooking made One-bowl Mocha Bundt
Instagram: divyakudua

#44: PJ (India) of Seduce Your Tastebuds made Eggless Red Devil Beet Bundt Cake (her first bundt!)

#45: Karen K. (San Antonio, TX) of Books and Chocolate made Malted Milk Chocolate Bundt

#46: Wendy* (California) made Banana Cake from this recipe

#47: Neera* (New York City) made Sour Cream Pumpkin Bundt Cake

#48: Theresa* (Whittier, CA) made Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake from this recipe

#49: Mrsblocko* (Oswego, IL) made Pumpkin and Pecan Caramel Glazed Bundt from this recipe

#50: 4-time baker!!! Barbara, a librarian who likes to bake* (Calgary, Alberta) made Green Chili Cornbread from Bundt Cake Bliss, by Susanna Short

#51: Jesse* (Los Angeles) made Chocolate Surprise Bundt (The surprise is that it actually came out  of the damn pan!) from this recipe

#52: 3-time yummy bundt baker, Isabel* made a Bananarrific Bundt

#53: Little Joy Factory (Singapore) of Little Joy Factory made Passionfruit Syrup Bundt Cake

#54: alisa, jane of many trades (nashville, tennessee) of easier than pie made sweet potato monkey bread
Twitter: @janeofmanytrade - Instagram: janeofmanytrades

#55: Signor Biscotti* (Gloucestershire, England) made Fruited Lemon Bundt from this recipe
Twitter: @signorbiscotti

#56: 2-time I Like Big Bundt baker, Kelly (Connecticut) of American Cupcake Life made Eggnog Bundt
Twitter: @Cupcake_Kelly

#57-59: Julie Engelhardt (Hollister, California) made Candy Cane Bundt (recipe), Oreo Stuffed Bundt cake (recipe), and a Chocolate Raspberry Bundt.

#60: 3-time Bundt baker, Susan (Downtown Los Angeles) made Banana Bundt Cake
Twitter: @waffles

#61: Kelster of Passion Kneaded made Oat & Raisin Spice Bundt

* = This baker doesn't have a this time ;)
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