National Bundt Day 2013 Round-Up: I Like Big Bundts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Like Big Bundts 2013 - Round-Up

November 15, 2013 was National Bundt Day! I counted down in November until the big day (see them here), and encouraged you to make a bundt to celebrate this awesome food holiday! I'm so excited that enthusiasm for the Bundt runs high!

Thanks for celebrating with me and I hope you continue to make bundts all year long. If you requested them, I'll be sending food gift tags to you as soon as possible (I got a little delayed on things - my apologies)

To celebrate National Bundt Day, I ran a little giveaway for the cool new Jubilee Bundt Pan to one lucky Bundt maker. And the winner is: Heather from South Carolina who made my favorite Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt! Congrats Heather!

I want to thank Barbara from Canada and Katrina (Baking and Boys!) from Utah who have baked all four years of I Like Big Bundts! National Bundt Day is also Katrina's birthday! And there are many who baked last year for the holiday to celebrate even though I didn't do the round-up...true Bundt love.

A listing of Bundts I made this year can be found here and a summary of all the Bundt years are under my I Like Big Bundts page!

Much Bundt love and Happy Holidays, 
Mary the Food Librarian

(Disclosures: This whole craziness is not sponsored. I'm paying for the gift tags, postage, and the giveaway Bundt. However, I should mention that I am a member of the Amazon Affiliate program and get a few cents if you buy anything from my Amazon links. Thanks if you do!)

#1: 3-Time I Like Big Bundt baker, Yummy Chunklet (Chicago) of Yummy Chunklet made Applesauce Bundt Cake

#2, 3: I Wilkerson (Wisconsin) of Art of Natural Living made Mini Chocolate Almond Bundts and Mini Pumpkin Bundt Cakes
Twitter: @iwilkerson

#4: My blog pal, Jen (Cincinnati) of Beantown Baker made Cinnamon Roll Bundt
Twitter: @beantownbaker - Instagram: beantownbaker

#5: Katie (Apple & Spice) (UK) of Apple & Spice made GF Banana & Coffee Bundt Cake. Banoffee but not as you know it!

#6: Margaret (Louisiana) of TEa and SCones made Chai Butternut Bundt
Twitter: @Scones4Me

#7: Sarah (Boston, MA) of BettyCupcakes made Pumpkin Spice Bundt Cake
Twitter: @BettyCupcakes

#8, #9: 2-Time baker, Auntie Nettie (New York) of Auntie Nettie's Attic made Mail Room Matt's Carrot Cake Birthday Bundt and  Excel -- ent Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt to Blunt our Sour Pusses Stuck in Data Tables with a generous coating of SugarRush to Power Through The Night Shift Sweet Glaze
Twitter: @NettiesAttic Funny story...she made this for Matt in the mail room at work, but he took the week off! Don't worry, his co-workers ate his cake for him.

#10: Liliana Fuchs (Madrid, Spain) of Albahaca y Canela made Hazelnut Orange Bundt Cake
Twitter: @akane86 - Instagram: akane_rohirrim

#11: Beatriz (Spain) of Bea Recebas & Mas made Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake
Twitter: @BeaRecetasymas

#12: 3-time I Like Big Bundts baker extraordinaire, Di (Georgetown, TX) of To Di For Bakery made Pumpkin & Ginger Poundcake
Instagram: diskitchennotes

#13: Alice* (White Plains, NY) made Butterscotch Bundt Cake from this recipe. Alice, Maria and their colleagues celebrated Bundt Day in their library! Whoo hoo!

#14: My awesome BFF Dulcey * (Minneapolis, MN) made Orange marmalade bundt from this recipe
Twitter: @dulcey

#15: Ruhama (Burlington, WI) of rumahama made Toasted Fennel-Lemon
Instagram: librariane

#16: 2-time baker, Karen (Tennessee) of Our Crazy Blessed Life made Pumpkin Spice Bundt
Twitter: @rockstarwife - Instagram: crazyblessedlife

#17: Heather* (South Carolinaj) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#18: 3-time baker and longtime blog pal, Tracey (Rhode Island) of Tracey's Culinary Adventures made Chocolate Whiskey Bundt Cake
Twitter: @twilhelmsen - Instagram: traceysculinaryadventures

#19: 3-time baker and awesome blogger, Jessica (Texas) of My Baking Heart made Root Beer Bundt
Twitter: @bakingheartblog - Instagram: bakingheartblog

#20: Panya (Indiana) of Regardez ces trucs... made Ultimate Lemon Pound Cake Bundt
Twitter: @PanyaV

#21: Bini* (Houston, TX) made Carrot cake with Chocolate Ganache

#22: Shannon* (Boston, MA) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#23: Cat* (Metro Detroit, Michigan) made Lemon Buttermilk from this recipe

#24: 3-time ILBB baker, Ma Kettle* (Oregon) made Buttermilk Spice Bundt with a Salted Caramel Glaze from this recipe

#25: 2-time baker, Elisa* (Redlands, CA) made Buttercake Bakery Marble Bundt Cake from this recipe

#26: 2-time Bundt baker, Lisa (United Kingdom) of United Cakedom made Strawberry & Champagne
Twitter: @unitedcakedom

#27: 2-time baker of awesome bundts, Alison (Buffalo, New York) of lil chung's lil adventures made Marble Sour Cream Bundt
Instagram: lilchung24

#28: 3-time ILBB baker and forever a blogger & instagram pal, Jessica (Austin) of bake me away! made Pumpkin Mochi Bundt
Twitter: @bakemeaway - Instagram: bakemeaway

#29: 3-time Bundt baker, Sandy* (Downingtown, PA) made Double Glazed Ultimate Lemon Poundcake Bundt from this recipe
Instagram: SandraDee18

#30: Margaret* (Salt Lake City, UT) made German Apple Cake from this recipe

#31: 3-time bundt baker (whoo hoo!), Sarah (Dallas) of Like The Dickens made Chocolate Zucchini Bundt cake

#32: Andrea* (Orange County) made Almond Marble Bundt from this recipe

#33: Heddi (Switzerland - isn't this awesome?! Switzerland!) of Dairy-Free Switzerland made Vegan Chocolate Bundt with Speculoos Glaze Heddi made two other Bundts too! Awesome!
Twitter: @DairyFreeSwitz

#34: Liz N.* (Chicago) made Eggnog Bundt from Cook's Illustrated Holiday Baking 2013 special edition magazine
Twitter: @mrschef05 - Instagram: mrschef05

#35: Mara of Más dulce que salado made Neapolitan Bundt Cake

#36: LindaG* (Portland, OR) made Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt from this recipe

#37: Lee* (Las Vegas) made Snickerdoodle Bundt from this recipe

#38: Sarangbaker* (Orange County, CA) made Tunnel of Fudge Bundt from Cook's Illustrated Entertaining (Holiday, 2010)

#39: Roxana* made Whipped Cream and Vanilla Bundt Cake from this recipe

#40: Veronica (Portland, OR) of Hungreem made Teff Gingerbread Bundt

#42:  Katrina (Utah) of Baking and Boys! made Grain Free Refined Sugar Free Chocolate Bundt Cake
Katrina has baked for all four I Like Big Bundts! And National Bundt Day is her birthday!! How perfect is that?! Love ya, Katrina!!!

#43:  3-Time baker and representing India, Divya (Chennai, India) of Easycooking made One-bowl Mocha Bundt
Instagram: divyakudua

#44: PJ (India) of Seduce Your Tastebuds made Eggless Red Devil Beet Bundt Cake (her first bundt!)

#45: Karen K. (San Antonio, TX) of Books and Chocolate made Malted Milk Chocolate Bundt

#46: Wendy* (California) made Banana Cake from this recipe

#47: Neera* (New York City) made Sour Cream Pumpkin Bundt Cake

#48: Theresa* (Whittier, CA) made Chocolate Sour Cream Bundt Cake from this recipe

#49: Mrsblocko* (Oswego, IL) made Pumpkin and Pecan Caramel Glazed Bundt from this recipe

#50: 4-time baker!!! Barbara, a librarian who likes to bake* (Calgary, Alberta) made Green Chili Cornbread from Bundt Cake Bliss, by Susanna Short

#51: Jesse* (Los Angeles) made Chocolate Surprise Bundt (The surprise is that it actually came out  of the damn pan!) from this recipe

#52: 3-time yummy bundt baker, Isabel* made a Bananarrific Bundt

#53: Little Joy Factory (Singapore) of Little Joy Factory made Passionfruit Syrup Bundt Cake

#54: alisa, jane of many trades (nashville, tennessee) of easier than pie made sweet potato monkey bread
Twitter: @janeofmanytrade - Instagram: janeofmanytrades

#55: Signor Biscotti* (Gloucestershire, England) made Fruited Lemon Bundt from this recipe
Twitter: @signorbiscotti

#56: 2-time I Like Big Bundt baker, Kelly (Connecticut) of American Cupcake Life made Eggnog Bundt
Twitter: @Cupcake_Kelly

#57-59: Julie Engelhardt (Hollister, California) made Candy Cane Bundt (recipe), Oreo Stuffed Bundt cake (recipe), and a Chocolate Raspberry Bundt.

#60: 3-time Bundt baker, Susan (Downtown Los Angeles) made Banana Bundt Cake
Twitter: @waffles

#61: Kelster of Passion Kneaded made Oat & Raisin Spice Bundt

* = This baker doesn't have a this time ;)
Pin It!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks so much for including me in the 2013 round-up! We love Bundt Day. Best wishes from Switzerland. -Heddi

Little Joy Factory said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary,

Thanks for the round-up! All the cakes looks fantastic! Hope to participate this event next year and every year. Cheers!

Karen K. said... [Reply to comment]

My cake is on your blog!! How exciting! Thanks for hosting this, and thanks again for inspiring me to bake bundt cakes.

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

What a great looking set of bundts! Thanks for doing I Love Big Bundts again - such a fun excuse to make a bundt.

jane of many trades said... [Reply to comment]

wow-so many people baked along with you! marking the calendar for next year!

Heidi of It's a Wicked Good Life said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, man I must not have gotten my post in on time. These look great!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

@Heidi of It's a Wicked Good Life Heidi, I went through my emails from the form and didn't have one from you! Email me! - thefoodlibrarian (at) gmail - mary

Padmajha said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! this is awesome!! Now I don't have to go anywhere else in search of bundt cake recipes!! Marked this event in my calender for the next year too :)

I Wilkerson said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, what an impressive collection!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks so much for including my Bundy this year. Makes me wonder why I didn't participate sooner! Love seeing all the beautiful cakes!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What an impressive and inspiring collection of Bundts! Thank you for including my last minute entry.

Thank you too for the gift tags you sent me. They are delightful. It was very kind of you to go to the trouble of sending them to me in the UK.

With very best wishes for the holiday season. Have a fabulous - and bundt filled - 2014!

Euan (aka Signor Biscotti)

Simplement D Liche said... [Reply to comment]

I made chocolate layer cake with choc icing and vanilla filling. Everyone loved it. Bravo!

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