Roasting a Chicken in a Bundt Pan - Bonus Bundt! :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bundt Chicken
Roasting a Chicken in a Bundt Pan

In my search for Bundt cake recipes, I came across this hilarious article on The Kitchn:

The Naughty Way to Roast a Chicken by Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan.

You've got to read it! She talks about roasting a chicken by plunging onto the... well, you get the idea.

Bundt Chicken

Bundt Chicken
I started by lining a sheet tray with foil and placing the bundt pan on top. I threw in a mixture of small potatoes (love that my farmers market sells a nice trio of baby potatoes).

I'll be honest with you. In the Kitchn article, they used a nice Nordic Ware Bundt pan...but I wasn't going to do that. Sometimes kitchen items should just stay sweet and not get into the savory, chicken fat and possible burning side of life. Besides, I cranked up the heat in the oven with the convection roast setting and, just to be on the safe side, I used an old second-hand bundt pan.

I got this Bundt pan at a second-hand kitchenwares place in San Francisco called Cookin': Recycled Gourmet Appurtenances.  It's crazy stocked full of stuff. If you are ever in the area, go visit. The owner has been there since fire was invented, and she's kinda, well, interesting, but she's got tons of merchandise...and knows where everything is located!

Bundt Chicken
This is a 3 1/4 pound chicken. I sprinkled on some salt and pepper. I hardly cook so I forgot that I should have buttered the thing until about 30 minutes into roasting...then I grabbed it and tried to put some on. Yes, I think I should stick to baking Bundts! Anyway, this is way easy to do...even I can do it! :)

Bundt Chicken
Of course, you can add parsnips, carrots, onions and other veggies to round out the collection. And the best part? When they are done, they have the flavors from the chicken. Yes!

Bundt Chicken
The bottom of the chicken doesn't get as brown as the top...but I was okay with that. And you might think that lots of juice ran down the center of the hole, but nothing ended up on the foil. I've seen beer can chicken set ups and this is like it...but better because it's in a Bundt pan. :)

The Other Mary's Frozen Bundt Wreath
Another Bundt pan idea: Frozen Christmas Wreath! My friend East Coast Mary made one in Connecticut a few years ago. Place "natural stuff" in a pan with some water and set outside overnight. I can't do this in Los Angeles, but those in Duluth with 28 inches of snow (Hi Sunshine!) might want to try it!

For the chicken, I roughly followed Sara Kate's humorous recipe. It's pretty much like other chicken roasting, but this time in a cool Bundt pan! Enjoy!

Recipe & more info: The Naughty Way to Roast a Chicken by Sara Kate Gillingham-Ryan of the Kitchn.
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kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

haha, I love this!

Kelster said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow! The next time I roast a chicken, I'll definitely do this. My mother has a rack that stands the chicken up. I can just use a bundt!

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

This has got to be the most creative way of roasting chicken I have ever seen - you're a Bundt genius, Mary! :)

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