Smitten Kitchen's Strawberry & Cream Biscuits

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Strawberry and Cream Biscuits
Strawberry & Cream Biscuits

It's hot in Los Angeles.
Like 91 F hot.
And our poor Dodgers get rained/snowed out in Minneapolis.
I wish I could send Minneapolis some of our heat. And they give us some of their snow pack for our drought!
(Don't get me started on the whole Clippers fiasco. I hope Oprah buys the team.)

Strawberry and Cream Biscuits
These are like scones/biscuits. Cut up strawberries and fold in with the flour/butter mix. Be sure to coat the strawberries in flour before adding the cream.

I cut them into rounds. Next time, I would have thicker biscuits. I think these are a little too thin.

Strawberry Biscuits
Nothing like a light biscuit filled with strawberries!

This happened this morning at the #farmersmarket. Strawberries. Strawberries. 1/2 flat.
It's strawberry season in California now (well, we grow strawberries all year, but now they are crazy sweet good). Like "get 1/2 flat of strawberries (6 green plastic containers) for $9-11 at the Farmer's Market" strawberry season. Deliciousness.

When you get some strawberries (hopefully California grown!), make these Strawberry & Cream Biscuits from Smitten Kitchen.

RECIPE: Click here to go to Smitten Kitchen's blog and recipe
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

So scrumptious! love strawberry desserts - this looks so wonderful!

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