Happy National Bundt Day 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Happy National Bundt Day 2014!

Wishing you and yours a lovely National Bundt Day. I hope you make and share a Bundt today with your friends, family and co-workers. That's what the day is all about - baking and sharing!

Good morning dear friend. Wishing you a lovely #nationalbundtday! I didn't have time for #ilikebigbundts this year, but I hope you find time to bake & share a #bundt today. That's what the day celebrates...baking and sharing! Need a recipe? A boatload are

Happiness is a chocolate cinnamon#bundt! #nationalbundtday #ilikebigbundts #baking

I made my favorite Chocolate Cinnamon Bundt this morning and will deliver it tonight to friends! (I hope I can hold out that long...my friends won't mind if there was a small piece missing :)

If you need recipe ideas, you can find some under the I Like Big Bundts page. Take care and Happy Bundt Day!

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Catherine said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate is always a favorite. Happy Day! Catherine

Dana H. Gee said... [Reply to comment]

I made the Fuyu Persimmon Bundt from November 2011 last week - my favorite!

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