Brown-Butter-and-Vanilla-Bean Weekend Cake

Brown butter is always nerve racking to make. Is it ready? Is it too far? What's that smell? Is that toasty or is that burnt?
This is supposed to be baked in a loaf pan, but I couldn't get to it. I tweeted a plea for help and professional baker and author @janeofmanytrade came to the rescue. She said I could use an 8" round. Thanks Alisa!
I didn't have a vanilla bean, so I used 2 teaspoons of both Nielsen-Massey vanilla extract and vanilla paste. Do you have the paste? I love it. More economical than getting vanilla beans and you get all the yummy flakes. I also skipped the alcohol (dark rum or amaretto).
I topped mine with some powdered sugar so it didn't look so plain.
I have a bunch of other stuff to post, and I hope to get to it next month (there are some good oatmeal scones coming up).
Good luck to Dorie Greenspan and all my friends on the East Coast as you get through this snowstorm!
See you next time,
Mary the Food Librarian
I love this in the round version and with powdered sugar on top! It's perfect! I'll need to make mine this way next time.
I like the cake in the 8" round - and with powdered sugar!
What a lovely looking cake with her little dusting of powdered sugar! I like that round shape a lot, very nice. Thanks for the info on vanilla paste...I have never gotten that but now I think I should and I will. Always fun to learn new things, thanks for sharing. If you get stumped on pan sizes again and Jane is not around, you can google baking pan size conversions and it will give you the various sizes of pans for things, I use it a lot when I am doing a half size recipe as with just the two of us, I'm doing a lot of half sizing these days. :-)
I like the round vrsion - it looks delicious.
Vanilla paste is the best stuff - I definitely prefer it over using beans.
so glad that advice worked out-especially since I ended up using an 8" pan myself!!! I have to get some of that paste, I had some before the move but I am not sure what happened to it-it must have gotten tossed with the rest of the stuff from the fridge since I only had a small amount left.
I did the same, used the vanilla bean paste! Now I'm out of vanilla beans and paste ;-(
The addition of powdered sugar looks nice.
Looks great--- I love the height you got for your cake!
Good idea using the 8" round! I'll have to keep that in mind for next time.
I love the way the round cake looks! So pretty! Especially with the powdered sugar! I also used vanilla bean paste.
The round cake with powdered sugar topping looks lovely. I often use vanilla paste - love that product - but did use a vanilla bean this time.
Your cake looks great! Same texture as the loaf version inside and out. I keep hearing about vanilla paste, I'll have to try it.
It looks wonderful in a round cake pan! Great idea! I may just have to bake up another :)
I've never used vanilla paste before, but after reading your post, I want to! So thanks!
Your round cake looks lovely especially with the dusting of powdered sugar.
looks nice as a round! I like that vanilla paste a lot, too.
I like the round version topped with powdered sugar!!
Your cake looks great. I wish I had skipped the rum, it was the prominent flavor in my cake.
It looks so pretty in a round pan. Nice variation!
Love the round version of this-makes it look a little fancy. I've never used the paste but I'm starting to think that would hold up much better where I live in the desert.
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