Egg in a Grilled Cheese Sandwich Hole - Breakfast with Dad

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Egg in a Grilled Cheese Hole Breakfast

Happy Sunday!

It's been a weekend of amazing #MarchMadness basketball (sadly, my UCLA Bruins are out, but there have been great games in the tourney). Anyway, if you follow my Instagram, you probably know that I go to my folk's house every Sunday and have #breakfastwithdad (my little hashtag) while my mom attends church.

I usually roast some potatoes & carrots, cut some fruit and fry an egg over easy (my dad's favorite). This morning, I downloaded the latest Food Network magazine (via the library*) and it's "The Big Breakfast Issue." Perfect timing, no?

The article, "Hole in One!" has a dozen ideas for egg-in-a-hole...including grilled cheese! Give it a shot. Egg-in-a-Hole breakfasts are always fun to make and eat. My oven was already on because I was roasting potatoes and carrots so it was easy.

Egg in a Grilled Cheese Hole Breakfast

*Many libraries offer downloadable eBooks & Audiobooks, and now some are offering downloadable magazines - free with your library card! Ask about it at your local library!

Egg in a Grilled Cheese Hole
Adapted from Food Network Magazine, April 2015

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
1. Cut a hole in two pieces of bread with a cookie or biscuit cutter, small glass, or in my case, a knife.
2. Place cheese on bread. Butter the top of the sandwich.
3. In an ovenproof skillet, melt butter and place the grilled cheese sandwich in the skillet. Cook for 2-4 minutes, until the bottom is toasted.
4. Flip over the sandwich then crack an egg into the hole. Season with salt & pepper. Let cook until white of the egg starts to set (about 2-3 minutes)
5. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake until the white is set but yolk is still runny (4 - 8 minutes, deeper "nests" take longer). I did not have an ovenproof skillet so I used a spatula and carefully transferred the sandwich to a tray lined with aluminum foil.
6. Don't forget to make the "bread hole" into a small grilled cheese sandwich or pieces of toast to dip into your egg!
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Crispy-Topped Brown Sugar Bars - Tuesday with Dorie

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Crispy Topped Brown Sugar Bars - Tuesdays with Dorie
Crispy-Topped Brown Sugar Bars

Whew! I made it by 2 hours! I'm back with Tuesdays with Dorie. Oh, I lost a couple months due to the holidays and a full week of the flu...but I couldn't miss today! It's a bar with Rice Krispies on top!

Crispy Topped Brown Sugar Bars - Tuesdays with Dorie
These were super simple to make. A brown sugar shortbread is baked until golden brown. Then, you spread chopped chocolate (I used Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate block) on top and let it melt a bit. A quick spread of the chocolate creates a space for your cereal!

You can put a caramelized cereal topping too. Look at the book for this yummy option.

Crispy Topped Brown Sugar Bars - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesdays with Dorie doesn't publish the recipe. You should get Dorie's book: Baking Chez Moi: Recipes from My Paris Home to Your Home Anywhere (this recipe is on page 324)! I love all the recipes in the book and Dorie's kind words and encouragement. In this recipe, she says, "show it who's boss" referring the shortbread dough. Love it!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers and their take on this yummy recipe!

P.S. I love my 8 x 8 x 2 pan. It's by Magic Line/Parrish. The edges are perfectly square so you get sharp edges on brownies, cakes, etc. I have 8" and 9" square pans, as well as 9" x 13" rectangle pans too. And they are made in Los Angeles! (I've visited the factory's a post about it)

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