Black Friday Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Sale!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I ate way too much.

I'm not a big Black Friday shopper. I haven't been out at the stores in years. However, I caught an online sale that is really great. The Instant Pot Pressure Cooker is having a big Black Friday sale on Amazon! IT'S $69!!!! It's 47% off. Dude. I bought mine in early October for $120.

I've only had it for a month but it is the coolest! I made a pot roast in an hour. Yesterday, I grabbed the turkey carcass, threw in some carrots, onions and leftover herbs and in less than 2 hours I had crazy good broth. My friends just made pork chili with tomatillos in 30 minutes. I'm still exploring (read: watching lots of YouTube videos...really like FloLum's video series).

I like the electric pressure cooker because it's a set it and forget it appliance. With the stovetop ones, you need to adjust the flame once it comes to pressure.

Bon Appetit wrote about it today - I like the title "The Instant Pot Will Change Your Life—No Joke". Really!!

And while you buying the Pressure Cooker, you should pick up Dorie's Cookies! Dorie Greenspan does it again with a great cookbook all about cookies! I'm working on a post for Dorie's Jammers - So delicious. Here's a sneak:

Jammers - Dorie's Cookies

Enjoy your holiday weekend! Talk to you soon, Mary

Disclosure: I'm an Amazon affiliate and get a few cents if you buy something using the link above (helps me buy more stuff on Amazon!)

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Karrie said... [Reply to comment]

I bought the instant pot the day before the black friday sale. It was the 6 in 1, not the 7 in 1 like in the picture above. The deal was still good and it sold out. I contemplated returning it to get the black friday deal one, but decided against it. Can't wait to start cooking with it.
Do you think you will be sharing your instant pot recipes on the blog?

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